Monday, November 24, 2008

Modified Age-Point Technique - revisited

I have retested this theory and it has worked again! And again! Though I have previously written about this in other blogs, the modified age-point technique is proving more and more to be the most reliable forecast technique to determine key turning points in a person's life.

This is how I do it.

Ask a person for two or three most important events in his/her life. Using the person's natal chart, from the ascendant and going anti-clockwise, use one house for one year of his/her life and see where the important life events fall. There will most likely be a planet corresponding to the time the events occured and relating to the event by nature of planet or house.

For example, if the person had a life-changing shift to another country when he/she just turned three years old, and Uranus (movement, change) is on the cusp of the fourth house (home, nurture), we have an exact fit for the first event in his/her life. Go on and look for the second event. If, suppose, for the second event, he/she had an accident at age 18 and has pluto (change, transformation) and mars (high energy, accidents) conjunct in the sixth house (health, work), again we have an approximate fit for the second life event.

From this pattern, see how many days equals one degree on the person's natal chart. It is not the same for everyone, in my experience. After you get this figure, use it to calculate future events depending on which planet lies ahead and when.

You can go on and check if the third event also matches to ensure you are on the right track. If not, try to see if any other planets nearby better fit the pattern of life events.

If you want a forecast, don't hesitate to contact me with your birth details. Don't worry, it's free. :)

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