Monday, June 7, 2010

Importance of the Correct Birth Time for Astrology to Work

North node passed through the 10th house recently and is going to be conjunct my Midheaven soon (since it is always retrograde).

I think it is of major significance as I see the focus on career and the public persona shaping up and solidifying. Considering the North Node takes 18.6 years to make a full journey through everyone's natal charts, the ninth house of travel and broadening horizons has been out of my reach for so long, but won't be anymore when the north node passes from 10th to 9th house in a month.

Jupiter transiting the 12th house means an overabundance of spiritual energy and and clearing up the psyche of past habits and behaviors. Sadly Uranus is also transiting the 12th house, so my inner reserves are not as blissfully and easily renewed as it could be.

Saturn transiting the sixth house represents the focus on health and the ever present need in the past couple of years to take care of health matters and prune the work routines.

While Jupiter represents the area of overabundance (spiritual - 12th house), Saturn represents the area of concern (health and work - 6th house). This accurately describes my current situation.

Wouldn't have found all this if I hadn't got my birth time correctly a few weeks back. Using the wrong birth time for almost a decade now, the house transits never made enough sense to be helpful in understanding what's really going on.

But it does make sense now.

If you know where your Saturn and Jupiter are transiting in your natal chart, read the following interpretations to know which area in life you are experiencing an overabundance (Jupiter) and which are in life you are facing troubles (Saturn).

The best thing about Astrology is that it gives you hope. You realize that things do happen in cycles and there's not just 1,2 or 3 facets of life (work, play, love...), there's at least 12 facets (houses in the natal chart). If something seems to be missing in your life for a long time, it does not mean that it is gone forever. It is just that it's time has not yet come and there are other facets of life that are just as important that you may be neglecting.

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