Princess Diana's natal chart has been used here to illustrate the modified age point technique.
The orbit of the Earth around the Sun takes 365.26 days. This corresponds to 1 year of a person's life. At the same time, the natal chart is a complete circle of 360 degrees. These two numbers are approximately equal to one another, suggesting a correlation.
Historically, the natal chart has always been divided into 12 houses. There are 12 sun signs in the zodiac. There are 12 hours in day and 12 hours in night. 12 seems to be the magic number. Dividing 360/12, we get 30 degrees, the space allocated to each sun sign.
Allocating 30 degrees to 1 year of a person's life, and since 360 degrees corresponds to 365.26, as we saw in the beginning, dividing 365.26 by 30, we get:
1 degree = 12.175333333333333333333333333333 days
Therefore, 1 day = 0.08213327492744894048075343590869 degree
No. - Event - Date - Degree - Degree from Asc
1 - Birth - 07/01/61 - 0 - 0
2 - Marriage - 07/29/81 - 602.28 - 242.28
3 - Separation - 12/09/92 - 943.22 - 223.22
4 - Withdrawal from Public Life - 12/03/93 - 972.7 - 252.7
5 - Divorce - 08/28/96 - 1054.76 - 334.76
6 - Death - 08/31/97 - 1084.98 - 4.98
7 - Funeral - 09/06/97 - 1085.47 - 5.47
Princess Diana's birth is placed at the ascendant, on 07/01/61.
Marriage with Prince Charles is on 07/29/81, which is 7333 days later.
7333 days corresponds to 7333 x 0.08213327492744894048075343590869 = 602.28 degrees.
Going anticlockwise in the natal chart, following the direction the ascendant travels in any natal chart, 602.28 degrees corresponds to 242.28 degrees, after completing one turn of 360 degrees.
242.28 degrees falls close to the Mars-Pluto-Uranus cluster around the North Node. From the chart, this looks like the most important point in her chart. From Diana's perspective as well, this is the turning point of her life. It is hence quite fitting that the fairytale marriage falls at this point.
223.22 degrees falls directly opposite Diana's Jupiter-Saturn conjunction at 43 degrees (43+180=223), on the cusp of her eighth house. Since the eighth house rules shared finances and possessions, it is again quite fitting that the public separation with Prince Charles falls at this point.
252.7 degrees falls on her Mars-North Node conjunction, opposite her Moon at 67 degrees (67+180=247) and close to Uranus and Pluto. At this point falls Diana's announcement of withdrawal from public life. North Node signifies where the person is headed in life, Uranus-Pluto conjunction signifies violent separations: Diana was headed in this direction following this announcement.
334.76 degrees squares the above point as well as her marriage (242.28). Therefore it is fitting that this point is representing her divorce from Prince Charles on 08/28/96. It is also opposite her Venus conjunct Algol in the fifth house at 157 degrees (157+180=330) and square her Moon at 67 degrees.
4.98 degrees falls on 23 Sag, trine Uranus at 244 degrees and sextile Moon at 67 degrees. It also weakly trines the point representing her withdrawal from public life at 252.7 degrees. It corresponds to Diana's death in a car crash.
5.47 degrees represents her funeral, watched by an estimated 2.5 billion people worldwide on television. This is just one degree after the popint representing Diana's death and the same aspects apply here, only they become stronger.
This technique can be applied to any natal chart to determine the timing of events in a person's life.
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