Thursday, July 16, 2009

Lazy New Age


In the last age work was God. People worked their whole lives, with little compensation. In this age, being lazy and doing nothing is God. Yes, this is the new age.

How did I come to this? The Pisces-Virgo axis of the last age. Virgo is about work. In the piscean age, work was difficult and hence God. We have the industrial age, scientific progress, computer programming and the work culture of today to prove it. The ultimate wish of a human being was to find a job he/she could securely do (work at) for the rest of his/her life.

However, those keeping an eye on current trends will have already noticed the leonine nature of lazy showbiz lives that are increasingly being the ultimate wish of everyone. The plethora of talk shows, reality shows, new advertising gimmicks, blogging, self-proclaiming profiles on facebook, all are very leonine in nature. The aquarian platform of TV and Internet helps launch these leonine activities. I should be calling them non-activities as it boils down to just being plain lazy and doing nothing really productive.

People are losing jobs in the US, but yes, this is not so bad as no work is the aspired state of living in the new age. Some kind of new system will help change the old life of working all your life to pay utility bills, loans and credit card balances.

I think it will become even clearer if we look ahead to the next age, 2000 years into the future, the capricorn age. Capricorn is about order and hierarchy, so society would have attained a high degree of order by then. The axis of Cancer-Capricorn would mean that Cancer activities would be God. Staying at home, taking care of others, watching movies, being very emotional. For that kind of feminine activity to become difficult or hard to attain, the way of life should have become very masculine. The aquarian age, hence, would be the in-between step to a very masculine society. Leonine activities that we see today would make society masculine, self-centred. Being lazy and doing nothing.

I already find the younger generations just incapable of doing any useful work. They are obsessed all the time with their looks, social image, clothes to wear, the latest technology, etc, never really worrying about how useless they really are to any one at all. Sounds leonine? Revolting though it is, it is the reality we will be forced to accept in the new age. Even if people hold jobs, aquarian tech will be doing all the work, not they themselves.


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